Ichigo Ichie


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The Book of Ichigo Ichie, written by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, is the guide for embracing the Japanese concept of ichigo ichie: “one time, one meeting.” It promotes mindfulness and cherishes those impermanent moments; it reminds one that each experience is unique and cannot be repeated.

Rooted in Zen Buddhism and the Japanese tea ceremony, the concept of ichigo ichie serves as living deeply in the present moment, and appreciating every encounter like it is your last time on earth. The book delves into the practical means through which this principle can be applied in everyday life for greater happiness, less stress, and deeper connections with others. It includes concrete advice on how to engage the five senses more effectively, how to find beauty in that which is transitory, for example, the much-loved cherry blossoms of spring or letting go of their egos and letting go of all their negative emotions by focusing on the now.

According to the authors, practicing ichigo ichie means that people can find their ikigai and understand what gives them joy and fulfillment at every moment.



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