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The Emergence of Pakistan” is a historical non-fiction book by Chaudhri Muhammad Ali that delves into the events and circumstances which led to the emergence of Pakistan in 1947.
Ali discusses the historical background of the Pakistan Movement, which includes the Indian independence movement and Muslim leaders such as Muhammad Ali Jinnah.
The book delves into the key events and negotiations that led to the partition of India and the creation of Pakistan, including:
The Lahore Resolution of 1940
The Simla Conference of 1945
The Cabinet Mission Plan of 1946
The Radcliffe Line and the partition of Punjab
Ali also explores the challenges and controversies surrounding the creation of Pakistan, including the mass migration of refugees, the Kashmir dispute, and the early years of Pakistan’s government.
Pakistan Movement and the emergence of Pakistan
Indian freedom movement and India’s division
The Muslim Leadership and the Role of Mr. Muhammad Ali Jinnah
Historical Backdrop and the Main Events of the Making of Pakistan
The First Decade of the Pakistan State and State-building Process
Writing Style and Text Structure
The text is clearly written, with an interactive style of history writing mixed with narration, analysis, and reflective thought.
Implications and Relevance
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